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Technology has made a huge impact on my life

and is what I'd be happy dedicating the rest of my life to.

I love building computers and tinkering with phones,

and I'm happy helping others with their tech trouble.


I currently attend Indiana University
pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science
with a minor in Informatics.

Click on the hat for more about my Education!


Building and Fixing Computers is my favorite hobby.

I love being that friend that can help with tech problems.

I've made many builds for friends and fixed many phones!

Click on the Desktop for my past builds!


Music is what gets many through tough days.

It literally plays a huge part in my life
And I embrace my taste and others' with an open mind.

To see what guitar I play, click on the guitar.


Pretty sights are hard to forget

But, it's easy to lose details, so why not capture them?
Travelling is lots of fun; capturing the special times is beautiful.

Click on the Plane to checkout some photos
that I captured in Missouri, US!

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